Andy Kerr Photography

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Snapseed | The best app to edit photos on your phone

What’s the best phone app to edit iPhone photos?

I thought it could be useful to let you in on a bit of a secret that professional photographers don’t tend to tell you about. The best free photo editing app on the marketplace.

Handy if you’re taking your own wedding photos on your phone as a guest and want to edit your photos to look their best.

Here’s the name of the app…


In my opinion, the best app out there for editing photos on your phone!

And it’s completely FREE (as of writing this).

Several years ago I invested nearly £1000 in professional photo editing software that consisted of seven different modules, designed to be used only on a computer for high end work.

Moving on a few years, Google bought that technology and turned it into the mobile app Snapseed!

It’s so good, I still can’t quite believe it’s free.

It’s what I use to edit photos taken on my phone for my own personal use i.e. not taken with my camera and given to paying customers.

Don’t get me wrong - it’s a million miles away from the professional software that I use on my high spec computer. I wouldn't consider for a second editing photos with Snapseed to give to my clients.

But it’s VERY good. So good in fact that I wrote a blog post about it!

Where do I get Snapseed?

You can download the Snapseed app in the usual ways (App Store, Google Play etc) Just search for Snapseed.

What can Snapseed do?

Why not download it and have a play around with it - with a bit of patience you’ll be amazed at what you can do!

As well as the basic adjustments to your photos, a small selection of the other things you can do are:

  • Choose a selection of ‘looks’ for quick, simple, overall ‘make my photo look better’ adjustments

  • Cropping

  • Getting rid of things in the photo that you don’t want there

  • Adjusting the colour and brightness of just one thing in the photo

  • Borders

  • Sharpness and clarity

  • Black and white

  • Replicating the look of film

  • Retro and vinage looks

The list goes on…!

So, you may be asking yourself “What’s this got to do with weddings”?

Well, it’s more about getting great photos of your kids during lockdown as it stands at the moment. And when you go to a wedding in the future and take some photos with your phone, you’ll know how to edit them to look their best!

And I just fancied passing on a bit of info to make things easier for you :)

You can read my article ‘7 Tips For Photographing Children (Without the pouting!)’ here