Interview | Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies | Toastmaster Dan

I first met Dan at a wedding fair and was immediately impressed by his warmth, approachability and professionalism and am really pleased to share his answers to my questions here.

In this interview, Toastmaster Dan, professional Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies, tells me about his business and style, important advice for couples, trends and more.

Dan is a Fellow of the Guild of Professional Toastmasters and a graduate of the Professional Toastmasters Academy.

Scroll down for his answers…

Please tell me about your business and style

I provide a professional Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies service to suit the needs of your wedding day, helping it to run smoothly & successfully, whilst upholding tradition with a modern approach.

I will work with you to find out what your requirements are for the day and then help you to plan your order of service as well as help you set the style and tone that you would like for your day in terms of the formalities and etiquette.

What would be the most important piece of advice you would give a couple?

Wow this such a difficult question as there are so many important things so i'm going to cheat and give two!!

Firstly always meet any suppliers that will be with you on your day such as photographers and toastmasters, to make sure you feel comfortable with them and that they are the right fit.

Secondly is that your day will fly by, so ensure that you plan enough time in your day to enjoy it with your family and friends without feeling rushed, and most importantly allow some time for the two of you to be alone at points during the day so you can enjoy it together without anyone else!

What are the most popular requests and current trends for next year?

Most couples are moving away from the traditionally formal wedding format and want a more relaxed approach when it comes to the toastmaster/master of ceremonies although everyone still loves and wants the traditional red tail coat!

Do you have a favourite review?

This question has made me re-read many of my reviews and its so difficult to choose - but re-reading them brought back so many memories of being able to share a coupes special day with them which I feel so privileged to do.

I’m really lucky that so many couples have taken time to leave so many lovely comments, but what I really love is that I have helped so many people to enjoy their day, feel relaxed and comment that i felt like part of the family!

What do you love about the wedding business?

I really love working with a couple to help them plan their day, and to help them achieve the day that they want.

I also feel privileged to share moments with them that the guests don't see, and more often than not I still get goosebumps as they walk down the aisle or a bit teary during the speeches!

What is your favourite personal touch you have seen at a wedding?

This has to be at a wedding last year where the guest name place holders on the table were just so cute! The couple had planted little jam jars with little succulent plants.

Another favourite was a wedding where the table plan didn't have any names, just pictures of the guests.

My own personal favourite touch is that I always ensure that I or a member of the hotel team are on hand to greet the newly made couple with a glass of something as soon as they leave the wedding room!

Memories of a favourite wedding?

Again I have so many memories of special moments I have shared with couples, their friends and family. I don't think I could pick one wedding as being my favourite.

I guess I would have to say (and if I don't my husband might kill me) my own wedding, because I had the most amazing day!

Working in the industry we had a good idea about what we did and didn't want, and I was able to choose amazing suppliers that I had previously worked with so already knew them and their work.

Toastmaster Dan Wedding Toastmaster

Why should couples have a professional toastmaster or master of ceremonies?

Many couples don't realise how much a professional and good toastmaster will do for you on your day, people just think of the announcements, leading the speeches and taking cards and presents, but there is so much more that goes on unseen by the couple.

I remember supporting a couple getting married over Christmas, who had booked a winter wedding package which promised a 'roaring wood fire' - when I arrived at the venue the fire wasn't lit, and they weren't going to light it as the wood they had was wet.

Needless to say that when the couple arrived new wood had been purchased and they were greeted by a roaring wood fire. They still don't know that had I not been there, that their reception could have gotten off to a very different start.

Tell me about your favourite wedding traditions that you’ve come across

My favourite tradition comes from Chinese wedding culture, where they hold the tea ceremony or 'jing cha' meaning, 'to respectfully offer tea'. This a lovely moment where the couple make and present tea to their parents and family elders as a mark of respect.

Thanks again Dan. If you’d like to get in touch with Dan his contact details are as follows;

You can visit the website of Toastmaster Dan here. You can call Dan on 07540 358805 or email him here.